Friday, October 15, 2010





So is it ok if I’m completely over people thinking that Gone with the Wind is racist?  Ok scratch that.  It is in some ways.  But it’s not a misrepresentation of how people pictured us at one point.  I find the book to be much worse than the movie in a lot of ways, but I can still recognize both as amazing offerings into the world of literature and celluloid. 

I will be the first to admit if I met Margaret Mitchell I probably wouldn’t be her friend, and honestly she wouldn’t be mine, unless of course I acted in a way that fell in line with her ideas of how I should act.  Supposedly she was hit by a car after crossing the street and failing to look both ways.  This is something she did a lot.  Obviously someone who has a superiority complex would think that it’s safe to cross a road without looking.  Granted, I’m sure the streets weren’t as busy as they are now, but to me her passing in this way kind of sums it all up.

There is one character that absolutely irritated me in both the movie and the book…Prissy.  This was actually the point of the character so Margaret Mitchell and Butterfly McQueen did a great job.  I feel like I must give props to Miss McQueen for playing this part at all, but I also feel like I want to slap her for agreeing to do it as well.  In a way however, she was supposed to be a young girl, probably not more than 12 or 13.  For an individual to put their trust in a child to do much of anything, especially “birthing babies” is ridiculous and honestly Scarlett should have felt the need to slap herself for being so short-sighted. 

Interestingly enough I read a story today after watching this movie, about a woman in South Carolina who has a confederate flag on her lawn and refuses to take it down.  She lives in a predominately black area and in addition to a 200 signature petition, they are planning on demonstrating outside of her house for her to remove it.  She has refused saying something along the lines of if you don’t stand for something why go on living while also insisting she is going to a black friend’s wedding this weekend and she is not racist. 

Ok, the confederacy stood for a few things.  They wanted to secede from the North and basically handle their business separately.  One part of that, which you cannot deny, is their right to own slaves and continue human trafficking.  If you don’t believe in that part of it, you probably shouldn’t be waving that flag around.  I’m not here believing that Abe Lincoln was a saint.  I know he didn’t declare war for the sole reason of freeing the slaves.  But at least in Mr. Lincoln’s agenda, something positive came out of it.  If the confederacy had won, I honestly can’t say that something else wouldn’t have thrown a wrench into things down the line for them, but things would have been a bit more bleak for myself and my family.  Either way, I’d rather stand for nothing outwardly.  If I live my life peacefully and do all I can to enjoy my life to the fullest I have stood for something positive and that’s enough.

M.O.V.I.N.G. O.N. ++++++++

I can’t stop listening to the (500) Days of Summer Soundtrack.  Beautiful,  The movie was amazing as well.  I love sitting in the computer lab at school and zoning out to it as I play my ridiculous Facebook Games.  I didn’t get to do that today however.  I got lazy and didn’t do anything.  At least I didn’t stare at the wall like I happen to do at times, I see starting to write this as a good thing.  I tried to watch a few T.V. shows via Netflix.  I need to find something else to get into.  Nip/Tuck is starting to get repetitive.  I’m on season 5 and now that they are in California, the show seems to be that much more superficial.  Not sure if I can stick with it.  Friday Night Lights is sort of working for me, it is surprisingly accurate but seeing as I hate Texas, you’d think that I’d be over that show in the first 5 minutes.  Let’s see if I can make it through the second episode! 

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